Building a content marketing team and process for an innovative agency





Article Group

Head of Content


Marketing and Advertising

As the Head of Content, I developed a multi-channel strategy that reached tens of thousands of brand decision makers with original content and resources that helped them make better creative marketing decisions
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Growing a community while promoting the essentials of brand innovation

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Launched the agency's first-ever content marketing practice
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Led a cross-department marketing team
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Led creatives and strategists to publish original work
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Consistently trended on twitter (sigh, "X")
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Positioned the agency as a thought leader

Working with creatives and strategists, we developed a calendar of original resources that helped brand marketers embrace creative principles, including The Marketer's Guide to Judging Creative Work, The Essential Guide to Hosting a Workshop, and Creative Mad Libs.

Agency leadership

Agencies are accustomed to working for clients, not themselves. We surmounted that hurdle through empathetic and inclusive leadership, bringing voices from across the agency to the table to create original work.

Workflow design

Developed a cross-departmental content workflow that created and managed content responsibilities for each agency staffer

Content strategy

Developed a unique and engaging content strategy that touted the agency's bona fides while helping the audience make better creative decisions

Writing and editing

Wrote original content and edited pieces from agency staffers

Content marketing

Created a multi-channel marketing plan, using newsletters and twitter to reach our audience (creative CMOs and product managers) where they lived

Content strategy for clients

Served as the lead content strategist for all agency projects

Let's work together

I like letters. So does Tita. She's my dog. She opens all the mail.

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Alright, then.

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Steve Bryant's dog Tita